The Brand Spanking New Forum!


Today's Cartoon

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Week Nineteen:

"The STAR WARS Episode!" 04/05/01
Kill Jar Jar Binks! Everybody's doin' it!

"Meet The Hellbillies!" 08/05/01
Abandon hope, y'all who come back now, y'hear?

Week Twenty:

"A Brief History Of Hell" 14/05/01
The Mullet From Hell!

Week Twenty-One:

"The Hitchhiker's Guide To Hell!" 22/05/01
A picture of the telescope.

Week Twenty-Two/Three:

"Rutherfraud" 29/05/01

Week Twenty-Four:

"Touchdown: Mars" 16/06/01
Houston, we have a probLemming...

Week Twenty-Five:

"Beelze-BUB" 20/06/01
Titled by Pun-Man

Week Twenty-Six:

"Deja vu" 25/06/01
That means 'Ack-ack-ack!'

"Movie Poster Parody #1" 28/06/01

Week Twenty-Seven:

"The American Independance Day Special!" (Sorry, I couldn't spell independence.) 04/07/01

Week Twenty-Eight:

"Ludichristening!" 09/07/01

Week Twenty-Nine:

"Marooned On Mars" 15/07/01
People who live in low-gravity environments shouldn't throw stones

Week Thirty:

"The Six Stages Of Making Important Plot Decisions" 23/07/01
Kids, don't try this at home

"In The Hall Of The Martian King" 26/07/01
ACME Typical Kiwi Bloke

Week Thirty-One:

"Imation Sucks" 01/08/01
The World's Most Unreliable Data Storage Media

Week Thirty-Two:

"Starkers! Naked! Nude! No Clothes On!" 06/08/01
All Is Revealed!

Week Thirty-Three:

"We're All Going To Hell" - The MIDI Musical Finale - 19/08/01
Sing Along!

Week Thirty-Four:

"Geocities SUCKSMARTIANGeocities SUCKS Goodbye, Cruel World! Geocities SUCKS/MARTIANGeocities SUCKS" - 23/08/01 - How's it all gonna end?

Followed By: Series Four - How's it all gonna BEGIN??? (Started on Halloween 2001)