Today's Cartoon
Me before it's too late!
Ye Officiale "Too Much Spare Time" Website
Thursday, Week Seven: 15/02/01
Hey, kids! Sing along with Cthulhu by clicking on "Play" on the Midi player below! (The music starts on the line: "Let's introduce you with a song...")
NOEL: Let's In-tro-duce you with a... song......
Brief banjo interlude
Who is the one who... eats souls for breakfast?
And de-Vours plan-ets, too?
Who is the one with... the facial ten-drils-
With which you soul he wants to chew?
Who's the one with... the tiny bat wings?
'Though God knows what they do...
GOD [Recit.]: Like Hell I do!
NOEL: Oh, his wrath is enough to scare a goth - he's
Cthu-lhu, that's who! - I REALLY MEAN IT!
A change in the musical meter occurs here as Cthulhu comes in for his big finale
CTHULHUETTES+NOEL: He's the mysti-cal-C-thu-lhu!
CTHULHU: They really mean it - I'm the mystical and mythical completely monolithical, Many-many-tentacled guy! Om-NIP-otent, om-NIS-cient, here's loo-king-at-YOU, 'cause...
The great C-thulh-u am - I!......
With apologies to H. P. Lovecraft.