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Below is an excerpt from thisstrife.com/sluggy/tmstsept03.htm.
04/09/03 (Visitor Counter=15,089): Happy Birthday to TmsT!
According to estimates based on archaeological remains consisting of a small wall planner diary from 1999, today, September 4, is the date upon which the first ever "Too Much Spare Time" creation was created. (Actually, it is equally likely that TmsT's birthday was one week ago, but that would be mighty inconvenient because today is TODAY, not one week ago.)
This creation was an amateur short film titled Canned Slaughter, and was hastily intro'd as "A Too Much Spare Time Film". Not a lot of thought went into the label "Too Much Spare Time". That phrase was (and still is) a comment that most of my artworks elicited from audiences, so I decided to work with it in an almost sarcastic way. I think it's obvious that the amount of time I spend on my films/comics/etc has little to do with the end result. You could give a million monkeys a million video cameras and an infinite amount of time and I bet they'd never come up with Canned Slaughter!
So ANYWAY, what better way to celebrate four years of constructively utilising a supposed overabundance of spare time than to release, on the internet, the first ever Too Much Spare Time artwork? And so without further a-rant, I hereby give to you, in all its 8.9MB, uncompressible, crap-quality, shaky-camera glory, the WMV-file of my first completed film, my first TMST creation, and the humble beginnings of a humble empire...
Click Image:
:Click Image
Alternative Link, if that one ^^^ isn't working
Too Much Spare Time, eh? I have roughly 24 hours in my day. How many do you have in yours?
Note that by some unfortunate coincidence, today also happens to be New Zealand's "National Penis Day". Hopefully this commercially contrived festival will not put a damper on TmsT's birthday.