The Mad Scientists
The Original Episode, Version 3.0, 1995
The first rendition of this cartoon was scrawled in an abandoned exercise book in 1995, and was just so messy that there's no point in even posting it here. However, that time was one of dramatic improvement for my artistic style, and so, not long after, I re-drew it (in blue pen) on unlined paper. A short time later, my drawing style had improved such that I thought the blue-pen Mad Scientists cartoon worthy of being redrawn... in colour! And here it is. The first ever "Mad Scientists" cartoon; the one that started them all. (As I may have mentioned in a previous flashback, "The Mad Scientists" signalled my return to comic-book-style cartooning.)
Some of the pseudo-scientific words used in MS cartoons can not (yet) be found in the Oxford Dictionary. Some of these words are:
* Somoparamony
* Cardiopolyditranstelevegenimistically dinoropolymanganocarbolanxic acid
* Extrapalamonary
* Ultrasubylative
I can't remember any more, but there were more. Oh, so much more... And, unlike many words put forward by the likes of Lewis Caroll, many of these ones are not clearly definable by context.
The Moral: Sometimes, due to empty space beingleft at the bottom of a page of a "Mad Scientists" cartoon, I would add an epiologous "Moral of the Story", which usually consisted of confusing and irrelevant scientific mumbo-jumbo.