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It's all coming back to me now. I woke up at 1100hrs on Friday the 21st of September 2001, and started racking my brains for an idea for a 24-hour comic. In particular, I was throwing around ideas for "The Quest For ..." something inane or mundane, like an obscure street sign or something seen in the background on a live TV newscast or somesuch. At about midday I got up, had a shower & some breakfast, still brainstorming myself around in circles. At 1230hrs I had ditched the idea of a quest and was pondering a "fridge story".
Aha, an idea!

(I've had two storylines for fridge cartoons stashed away for some time now, but The Lost Valley of the Fridges wasn't one of them.) So, somewhere between 1300hrs and 1400hrs, I decided on what my fridge story might be about and scribbled down some ideas, a skeletal plot line, and some even some character designs.

By 0300hrs the saga had begun. Little did I know what horrors low'red in ominous wait for me...